Headboards to separate areas

Headboards to separate areas - Lovers of the open type loft , know that it is very important to separate the different areas of the house with elements, and removing partitions is to win amplitude, but we need to identify the various dependencies, especially if it comes from as intimate as the bedroom main.
Headboards to separate areas
We can use the headboard of the bed to separate the sleeping area from the rest of the bedroom. There are many headboards models that can be used perfectly for this purpose. For example, we can choose a headboard as a shelf. Bordering this element reach the bedroom, but on the other hand we can find, for example, a comfortable area for reading and relaxing.
Separated by a headboard Environments
At other times these headers are used to separate the bed from the bathroom area. We suppress and doors and walls, adding an element that will do the job separation visual. After this headboard can locate the tub or sink.
Beds with headboards
As for the shapes and materials of these headers, may be very different. We can mix timber and glass to get a tighter isolated, in the case of the bathrooms. We may also use higher headboards, which completely hide the bed behind them, or lower, allowing us to observe from the other side rest area. The truth is that there are houses that have specialized in this type of elements, resulting in truly striking designer headboards.
Headboards to separate areas
Anyway, if our room is big and we want to have two zones, this option, in any format, is one of the most recommended at the time of organizing space in an ordered and differentiated.

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