Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Extra matte countertops for kitchen

Extra matte countertops for kitchen - On more than one occasion I have spoken of the great variety of countertops that are on the market. One of the favorites is the quartz countertop that while price increases relative to the other, has a large variety of colors, are very durable and are guaranteed against bacteria and germs. It is definitely an ideal choice for our new kitchen.
Extra matte countertops for kitchen
Also, note that in this type of countertop innovations and new products are quite common. For example, Silestone surprises us with its new extra-matte finish, Suede , a countertop that stands out from the others in its softness and velvety texture.
Extra matte countertops for kitchen
It is never seen in a texture block surfaces. A counter whose touch will surprise us greatly, and its velvety finish is to make our experience cutting, chopping and cooking ultimately, is all a taste.
Extra matte countertops for kitchen
The beauty of this new product line is that they have the same features as the above. That is, Suede Silestone also grants a 10 year warranty, ensuring your countertops material is stain resistant and easy to clean. Nor can we forget that this type of countertops has bacteriostatic properties, something really interesting for the care of our own.
Extra matte countertops for kitchen
When we touch this counter we realize the big difference with other quartz countertops. If the view is more matte than usual, perhaps to a point granulated, the time of contact with our hand is much more intense. Surely we have not had the opportunity to touch and velvety countertop ever.
Extra matte countertops for kitchen
This finish Suede will initially be available in 30 colors, which as expected will start to increase, because their success is more than assured. Goodbye to the cold stones and shiny, comes a new material to the kitchen . In addition, a material that requires daily maintenance simple, just wiping with soap and water.

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