Zen Decor for bathroom

Zen Decor for bathroom

Zen Decor for bathroom - The hectic pace of life that we tend to take all week becomes imperative to have a space at home where you can take a little time to devote to yourself, relax and let go of all the worries accumulated along the day. For many of us, that space to find peace is often for a relaxing warm bath so a Zen decor for the bathroom could help enhance the calming effect.

Zen Decor for bathroom

- Concentrate on the minimalism: clean lines, organic colors and / or neutral, and textures that evoke nature.

- To enhance the effect Zen in the sink, you can use natural or organic items , such as wooden floors, carpets made of natural fabrics, rocks and plants such as bamboo or orchids. Bring outdoor elements inside your home.

- If you have visited a spa, then you can get an idea of the color scheme and elements: choose towels that complement the walls and incorporates few decorative elements. Leave the walls white or a soft tone. You can choose to place some paintings with floral or oriental.

- Uses all natural light as possible. Large windows and skylights or white light supplemented with some candles are ideal.

Zen Decor for bathroom

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