Tips for decorating the bathroom

Tips for decorating the bathroom

Tips for decorating the bathroom - The bathroom is the most intimate of the household. Enclose our most luxurious fantasies and functional needs. As in the kitchen, a good ground is essential and the modular furniture wardrobes can be the basis of inspiration. However, major changes can be made simply with the decor. Here are some tips to make the bathroom one of your favorite places in the house.

Tips for decorating the bathroom

While it is true that the most important thing in the bathroom is its functionality, the decor is what will give personality. Do not be shy choosing accessories. Baskets, decorated towels, candles and lights made help to give that sense of identity and personality to this space.

Colors: even if your bathroom is white, you may find that a single tone throughout the decor gives it a trial. Consider various shades: ads color with towels, paint trim and details of other shades or main color degradations.

The bathrooms are jewelry taps and fittings, lighting and even the handles of the cabinets. It is in these details where you can see the true style of decoration you want to print.

Tips for decorating the bathroom

There are simple decorative details that make you look your bathroom. Try the following:

- Adds an auxiliary lamp, in addition to the main lighting

- Displays some of your collections (which are resistant to moisture, of course)

- Add a carpet. A small oriental rug can give glamour to your bathroom without investing too much money.

- If space allows, add a chair or chiseling, maybe an ottoman.

- Your place to store can match the style of the bathroom: wicker baskets for a casual look or country, steel or brass containers for contemporary decorations and small antique wooden boxes and cigar hats for a more eclectic bathroom.

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