Mexican Decoration

Mexican Decoration

Mexican Decoration - Mexico is surprising how much we think we know the country from outside and little or nothing to actually transcends the vast expanse of territory with all ancient and modern cultures that live in it.

Mexican Decoration

The Mexican decor better known outside the country is the traditional, a vibrant mix of Spanish colonial architecture with traditional crafts, textiles and goldsmiths of prehistoric peoples. The wooden furniture , heavy base and decorative wood trunks add a point of warmth. Today, live, as elsewhere, tradition and modernity in an enviable contrast and permanent. However, neither in the homes of more modern and functional design stops feeling the love of color and the craft tradition of the Mexican people.

Mexican Decoration

Desert reds, bright colors like blue and yellow carpets indigenous designs, often made according to ancient techniques, which may cover soils as furniture or walls. Crafts in clay or wood, ceramics, metalwork, religious objects in places of worship or as mere decoration. Tile countertops in kitchens and bathrooms, painted wood, terracotta floors, checkerboard or cement.

Mexican Decoration

These features are mixed today with trends less variegated, minimalism with a touch of tradition that has led to the Mexican decor to become a symbol of the country in the world. One more of the identity marks is itself admiringly known and enjoyed worldwide.

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