Living in full color without losing the style

Living in full color without losing the style

Living in full color without losing the style - Although we know that the Nordic or Scandinavian has filled homes with wonderful decorations in white, it is also true that we do not always want or dare to puedearesultar cold house, if there are children running around it, very functional. So today we want to offer clues to fill your living room color without losing the style that you like.

Living in full color without losing the style

The color is always a good idea to decorate a living room, it is the place of family gathering, where you spend   time with friends, where sometimes we read or we relax alone. It would therefore be a good idea to give joy with vibrant and warm colors to provide, at the same time, positive energy very stimulating.

Living in full color without losing the style

It is difficult to make the living room is bright and colorful. We can use furniture and decorative accessories such as wallpaper, textiles, carpets and many other objects that may bring you to your room that touch of color you want.

Living in full color without losing the style

Even in a minimalist decor, one or two objects in bright colors, intense or bright enough to make a statement of intent colorful in a room where the walls are color neutral. There you go with the energy of our home, with the intensity we want to achieve, with a little careful not to fall into excesses that make our living a variegated or extremely uncomfortable.

Living in full color without losing the style

Living in full color without losing the style

Try to get contrast, brightness, either through sunlight or playing strategically with artificial lighting in ceiling, walls or floor lamps. Paint a wall in another color is a very good resource, as well as the striped walls. And not to forget the carpet, these old acquaintances. Anything will be good to achieve your mission and these photos are proof of that.

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